breaktime gift basket
Break Time Gift Basket
This is a recipient favorite. One recipient called to say that everyone at her office loved the basket since each person could take their favorite treat and eat it at their desk. You are welcome to customize this in any way that you wish, color scheme, size of basket (we can do other sizes other than what is listed here), product selection...just call us to customize. Basket shown is $50 and features 4 Chocolate Caramel Grahams, 12 Cougar Mountain Cookies in assorted flavors, 6 bags of Partners crackers, 3 bags of CBs Peanuts, 3 bags of Recipe 33 Almonds, and 5 bags of Harvey's Toffee Popcorn. Let us know if you want a holiday bow. Please enter desired delivery date and enclosure card message in the "order notes" box during checkout. Or just give us a call to order.
$35.00$250.00 Read more