Flowers are a wonderful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, get well gifts, and more. Fresh flowers are available for local delivery. Please see our delivery options page to see the list of cities to which we deliver. We are experiencing supply issues, so we may not be able to provide the exact flowers shown.

one dozen red roses
One Dozen Roses
One dozen roses plus greens and more in a glass vase. Hand delivery or store pick up. Please call by 11 am for same day availability.
$60.00 Select options This product has multiple variants. The options may be chosen on the product page
One Dozen Roses
One Dozen Roses
A beautiful bouquet of a dozen fresh roses arranged in a modern glass vase with greens. Please order at least a day ahead if possible. We will enclose a handwritten card from you to the recipient. So please make sure to include the message you'd like us to include with the bouquet.
$60.00 Add to cart